Calibrate Review: Unveiling the Best Insights from a Real Member


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Are you looking for a real, unbiased Calibrate review? I decided to try the program for myself to see if it worked. I was a bit apprehensive, especially considering the relatively high price, but it would be worth it if I did lose the 15% plus that Calibrate claims the average user loses.

Full disclosure: I am an actual Calibrate member, and this is a real review. I had great success with the program. However, if you do decide to join the Calibrate program, I will make a small commission as part of their affiliate program.

Intro to My Calibrate Review

Over the past few years, I’ve been struggling with weight gain. This hit me especially hard during COVID when I was stuck inside and bored. That led me to eat way more than I should have and not get the activity I was getting when I went out. I’m sure many of you have experienced this.

About Me

To set the stage, I’m a 36-year-old male who was an avid weight lifter and runner when I was younger. I’ve never been “skinny,” but at my lowest, I was around 200 pounds at 6’1″, which was pretty fit for me.

Fast forward, and I found myself at 360 pounds! I tried several different diets but could never really keep the weight off. The keto diet worked best for me, but I still found my weight going up and down as I came on and off the diet.

Remember that the program I found has shown even better results for women.

Learning about GLP-1 Medications for Weight Loss

I set out to find a better method for weight loss. I started where most people state, with some Google searching. I learned about GLP-1 medication and how it has been shown to cause weight loss.

I started searching for GLP-1 meds, and it turns out they are extremely expensive and not covered by insurance for weight loss. I knew GLP-1 medications were intended for diabetes but have been used by doctors off-label for weight loss.

Interestingly enough, my dad was on Ozempic (a GLP-1 med) for diabetes, and it caused him to drop 20 pounds rather quickly. So I started searching Google for more information about how to get GLP-1 meds at a reasonable price. After searching casually for a week or more, I found Calibrate, and eventually, it led me to write this Calibrate review.

I also found it interesting that there is a shortage of these meds due to their use by Hollywood celebrities. You can learn more about that in these articles from Glamour and Variety. The short of it is that celebs used these same meds with great results.

What is Calibrate

How does Calibrate fit into all of this? Well, Calibrate is a healthy lifestyle program that combines a diet and fitness instruction curriculum, one-on-one coaching, and access to GLP-1 medications. It’s a real, clinically proven method to lose weight. The average Calibrate member lost 15% of their body weight over the year of the program.

It all starts with the Calibrate app on your phone. You get access to all the lessons and tracking tools to help you with the program. Having an app on my phone was a big benefit for me. We’ll go into this a little bit more later.

As I mentioned, Calibrate combined several techniques into the program, including:

  • A 30-minute video doctor visit, including lab work review
  • Ongoing access to your Medical and Support Teams
  • Support navigating the medication insurance coverage
  • 1:1 bi-weekly video coaching sessions
  • A holistic curriculum focused on food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health
  • Tracking tools and helpful tips via the Calibrate app
  • Personalized smart scale that connects to the Calibrate app
  • Exclusive Calibrate orientation tools

As you can see, this is a very comprehensive program. The fact that it was so thorough gave me hope that it would work better than those fad diet pills you see online. This was a simple program with real people that showed real results.

A Calibrate review wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t dive into the program more. I’m going to break down each piece of the program for you.

How to Sign Up for Calibrate

The first thing that I did was head over to the Calibrate website to sign up. The signup process is simple. You must answer a short survey to see if you qualify for the program. It only took like a minute. I signed up and paid, and I was in. They even could finance the program through Affirm at 0% interest. I decided to do that because there was no downside, in my opinion.

The Calibrate Welcome kit

Continuing with our Calibrate review, I’ll talk about the welcome kit. When you sign up for Calibrate, you’ll be sent a welcome kit to get you prepared to start the program. This kit includes a folder with a lot of helpful information and a digital smart scale that hooks up to the mobile app so that you can track your progress. You’ll find that tracking is important but not overbearing like other diet programs I have tried.

The welcome kit was the perfect supplement to prepare me, but it took a little while before I was scheduled for my first meeting with the doctor.

Preparing for the Calibrate Program

One of the things you have to do on this program is get some preliminary blood work done to ensure you are healthy enough even to do the program. The blood work was pretty comprehensive, just like any other lab work I’ve gotten in the past. I went to my local outpatient lab, got the blood work done, and waited for the next step.

Meeting the Calibrate Doctor

This was part of the program that stood out to me. Meeting with a real physician adds legitimacy to the program that other programs lack. The Calibrate team had my blood work results ready for this visit.

The doctor I met with reviewed my medical history, goals, medications (to check for interactions), and the blood work I had done. This was the most thorough readout of blood work that I have ever gotten. I learned more about each marker’s meaning and how it impacts your health. I’ve never had a doctor go into this level of detail.

Everything checked out, and the doctor recommended the GLP-1 medication. I can’t reiterate enough how impressed I was with this process.

Getting the GLP-1 Medication Through Calibrate

Now for the part of the Calibrate review, you are most interested in getting the medication. Since I was approved, the dedicated team at Calibrate started working on finding me GLP-1 medicines for the best price possible. Since there is a bit of a shortage of medication at the moment, I wasn’t exactly sure that they would be able to get it for me.

At first, they would put me on Rebelsys, an oral version of a GLP-1 antagonist. That didn’t end up working out. We also found that my current insurance would not cover the medication for weight loss, so the team at Calibrate had to look elsewhere.

It did take them a few weeks, but the team came through. They gave me access to Mounjaro, another GLP-1 medication, for only $25 monthly! This was amazing because Mounjaro can cost over $1,000 per month. I was thrilled only to pay $25 per month for a year.

Also, the medication would be shipped to my door via Amazon pharmacy (formerly PillPack). The medication needs to be refrigerated so it comes packed perfectly in ice. I had no problems with the shipments, even in the hot summer.

Starting the Calibrate Lessons and Meeting My Coach

As mentioned in the Calibrate review above, getting the medication took a few weeks. I could start the lessons and meet with my coach during this time. The lessons are easy to access in the mobile app and only take a few minutes each week. It’s less than an hour’s worth of work over a week.

The program starts very slowly. You learn how your body interacts with different types of food and how the calibrate program works to help you lose weight. It also goes into detail about the role that medication plays in this. It’s a combination of a healthy lifestyle and medication that leads to the great results that people are seeing.

The first session with my coach was great. She gave me an overview of the program and set me up for the lessons I would do over the next few weeks. I could set up the coaching sessions at a time that worked for me. I met with the coach every two weeks to catch up on how things were going.

The Calibrate coach was always there to answer any questions about the program or the content I read.

Taking the Calibrate GLP-1 Medication

I was prescribed Mounjaro, which is a once-weekly injection. I was nervous about having to inject myself, but it wasn’t bad at all. The medication comes in a convenient pen with an extremely small needle. You twist the pen, place it on your stomach area, and click a button. Super simple. Plus, it doesn’t even hurt as bad as a pinch. I was afraid for no reason.

The dosage of the medication increases over time. The medication I need is delivered to my house as needed. I started with a really small dose. At this point, I’m about 5-6 months in and at almost half of the full amount.

The Effects of Starting the Medication and the Calibrate Program

The Calibrate program focuses on triangles that guide you on what to eat and avoid. It’s laid out very simply. No counting calories here. They give you lists of foods in each color category. You can eat all of the “green” foods that you want. “Yellow” foods can be enjoyed in moderation, and “red” foods should be limited.

I’ll be honest. I expected more from the medication. At first, it didn’t do much for me. I thought it would instantly reduce my hunger. It may have helped a little, but not as much as I thought.

During this time, I was at the point where I had to do the “Metabolic Jumpstart,” an essential step in the program. This kicks off your metabolism to get you into weight loss mode. It’s a two-week program where you must stick to a relatively strict diet. No “red” foods during this time.

It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I stuck to the diet 100% during this challenge and lost 10 lbs over two weeks. This made me burn even more weight over the next few months.

Calibrate Review: Continuing the Program

Over the next few months, I continued to work on the program and meet with my coach bi-weekly. I started to see changes in my body and the way I felt. Not to mention that the number on the scale kept getting smaller and smaller.

The good thing about Calibrate is that it doesn’t make you jump into anything. The program continues evolving at a reasonable pace. As you make progress, you get challenged with new lessons.

Some of these lessons are around diet. Others focus on fitness or health but are less intense than you think. For example, one of the weeks, they ask you to walk for 20 minutes after a meal each day. This is something that almost anyone can accomplish. Other lessons focus on sleep and things of that nature.

It’s not just about weight loss; it is an all-encompassing class to make you healthier overall. At some point, I’ll be at a weight where I don’t need to continue taking the medication, but the lessons that I learned during the program should make it easier to keep the weight off for good.

The Medication Starts Working

So what’s next in my Calibrate review? Another dive into the medication. See, during the time above, the dose of the medicine slowly increased. After 2-4 weeks at each dose, I would increase to the next dosage.

I struggled with hunger before this. If my stomach were empty, it would hurt. I guess I had hunger pangs even though I didn’t need the additional calories.

I’m not sure of the exact point, but one day I realized I wasn’t hungry anymore. The medication had started to work. GLP-1 medication is released in your intestines to signal your brain that you are full. On top of this, it slows the “gastric emptying” process. This is a fancy way of saying that the contents of your stomach empty slower, leaving you feeling full for longer.

It got to the point that I felt full almost all the time. I eat to ensure I have some calories for energy, and I focus on eating healthier foods.

The only side effect I experienced was a slight increase in acid reflux, which I’m already treated for, and a bit of nausea. I treated the heartburn with Nexium, and for sickness, I reached out to the medical team, which you can access via the phone app. They gave me some tips to combat the nausea. If it were too bad, they could prescribe medication to help with this side effect.

I have lost Over 40 80 Pounds So Far with Calibrate.

Now on to the part of my Calibrate review, you’re most interested in. You’re probably wondering how much weight I lost on the program. Remember that the average member loses over 15% of their body weight during the 1-year program.

I’m just past the halfway mark of the program, and I’ve lost over 80 pounds. I did start at nearly 360 pounds, but that is a great milestone. My coach told me that I’m losing weight at my own pace. I admit that I did get off track for a few weeks, which probably hindered my success.

Either way, I’m thrilled to have lost 80 pounds so far. Since I’m only halfway, I expect the weight loss to continue for the rest of the 1-year Metabolic Reset program. I wouldn’t be surprised if I lost over 100 pounds at this point. I’ll try to remember to come back and update this post when I complete the program.

Not only did I lose weight, but I have much more energy than I had at the start of the program. This is another one of the stats that you measure in the app. You can see on a simple graph the progress you’re making with weight loss, reducing the number of red foods you eat, and increasing energy levels.

I’m not done. Keep reading this Calibrate review to learn more about the program.

How Much Does Calibrate Cost?

No Calibrate review would be complete without discussing the cost. First, I want to tell you this: the program is not cheap. However, I couldn’t put a price on losing weight and increasing my health. I wanted to do this to be more active for my son and set a good example. So, the money was less of an issue if the program worked.

The good news here is that Calibrate has a money-back guarantee. If you don’t lose weight, you can get your money back. I couldn’t leave this little nugget out of my Calibrate review. There was no risk. It either would work, or I would get my money back. I’m glad it’s working, and I don’t need a refund.

On to the cost. Remember that a single month of a GLP-1 medication can cost $900-1,600 on average per month! The entire 1-year Calibrate program is the same price as a single month of medication elsewhere. Plus, I am getting my meds for only $25 monthly, a huge savings. To see the program’s current pricing, visit the Calibrate website.

Calibrate has even partnered with Affirm to offer 0% financing on the program. This is the option that I chose. I figured that I might pay monthly since it’s 0% interest. The monthly cost is less than a gym membership for me.

As I said, it’s not cheap, but it works. Can you put a price on your health and well-being? It’s still more affordable than buying the medication on your own, a gym membership, or one of those fancy home bikes or treadmills.

You Can Sign Up for Calibrate Today

As I wrap up this Calibrate review, I wanted to give you some additional information about how you can start. If you’re looking for a clinically proven weight loss program backed by science and doctors, consider Calibrate.

Here are some of the statistics about the Calibrate program:

  • 93% of members say that Calibrate is the most effective program that they’ve tried
  • 84% plan to refer a friend to the program (like me)
  • 91% say that Calibrate has helped them to achieve long-lasting weight loss
  • 15% average weight loss for members
  • Plus, you’ll get results, or they will give you the money back

There is no better time to start the Calibrate program and change your life.

Calibrate Reviews from Real Members

Thanks for reading my Calibrate Review. I don’t want you to take my word for it; here are some reviews from real Calibrate members.

When I joined Calibrate earlier this year, I was not sure what to expect, but was hopeful that the program would help me lose weight and more importantly improve my overall health. The program has been life changing, helping me lose close to 50 pounds!

Dee Seeg’s Calibrate Review

Calibrate has helped me achieve results that I couldn’t get on my own. It has been a game changer for me. My coach terrific! I look forward to our check-in calls. The medical and support staff have been responsive and there when you need them. I would highly recommend Calibrate to anyone!

Kathryn’s Calibrate Review

Best decision I ever made. I was tired of being told by doctors that the reason I had trouble losing weight was my own fault. I would exercise, diet, and go to nutritionists but I couldn’t lose a pound. I took a chance with this program and finally started losing weight with the medications. I’m down 25% and I’ve never been happier!

Georginna’s Calibrate Review

As a “serial dieter” who has tried almost all the programs out there, Calibrate was the one program that I was able to hit and even exceed my “shoot for the stars” goal with a loss of 33% of my body weight. I’m so thankful that I found Calibrate and only wish I had found it earlier. The best part is that the wellness changes I’ve made to my lifestyle are so natural that I can’t remember living any other way.

Kimberly’s Calibrate Review

Calibrate is a great program and I highly recommend it. They truly care and are so helpful in my weight-loss journey. They lay out the blueprint for you to follow.

Keely’s Calibrate Review

It took a while to get started, but the health coach is amazing and once all the kinks were worked out it has been fabulous! I’ve lost 12% of my body weight in the first 6 months on the program. The coach and lessons are well worth the cost. And getting that magic GLP1 is the icing on the cake!

Laura’s Calibrate Review

You already know how I feel about my Calibrate review. There are hundreds of reviews stating how well the program works. My results speak for themself, but tons of other people, both men and women, have had great success with the Calibrate program.

Calibrate Downsides

Of course, nothing in this world is perfect. There is no such thing as a miracle drug without any downsides. One of the major drawbacks is that there is absolutely no guarantee with regards to when you will have access to the GLP-1 medication. 

Although the program makes it easier (and cheaper) to get this medication, it’s still a risk to pay them. Here are some of the other major downsides I thought to include in this calibrate review:

  • Calibrate cost is priced higher than other ways to get your hands on strong weight loss drugs.
  • Calibrate weight loss side effects include quick replapse, as you can regain the weight you lose using calibrate.
  • The drugs are most likely delivered via injections—if you’re uncomfortable with needles, this is not the weight loss program for you. 

What Can You Eat?

Calibrate’s food philosophy is actually quite generous. I can confidently say that there was no “restriction” on my diet but they did teach me a better approach to food that is more sustainable. They don’t provide meal replacement kits or any type of meal plan that you must adhere to. 

Instead, Calibrate provides numerous recipes that include instructions on how you can modify them and stick to the program. 


Is calibrate FDA-approved for weight loss? 

All the drugs and recipes provided with the program are FDA approved before being presented to you. The drugs are specifically FDA-approved for use to treat conditions that require weight loss. 

Is Calibrate worth the cost? 

For anyone having trouble losing weight and keeping it off, this is definitely a program worth investing your money into. Note that the medications themselves are expenses. Enrolling into the program ensured that I paid less for those medications, with the added benefit of a diet consultant.

Wrapping Up the Calibrate Review

Calibrate is a program worth investing your money in if you’ve been having trouble losing weight and keeping it off. The medications administered during the programs are highly sought after and difficult to get your hands on. Even so, you’ll find that the team of experts on the caliber team will manage the lowest prices for the GLP-1 medications available in the market. 

I would recommend this program to anyone who is interested in losing weight through this medication, and I believe that calibrate played a major role in ensuring my weight loss success. This is more than just access to medications, but it’s a full-fledged program designed to get you on the track of getting healthy and losing the added pounds for good.