Sunflower Seeds and Keto: Shedding Light on Their Compatibility in a Low-Carb Diet


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Sunflower seeds are crunchy healthful nibbles that never cease to satisfy when you need something to munch on between meals. However, shifting to the keto lifestyle may require changing your snacking habits.

Are sunflower seeds keto or just another carb-loaded snack waiting to sabotage ketosis? Well, the short answer is yes; but before you do, you need to figure out exactly how much sunflower seed you can eat on keto.

Are there low-carb sunflower seeds out there? If yes, where do we find them? If you’re overwhelmed by this nutty dilemma, we’ll shed light on these mysterious seeds and help you snack smarter, keto-style!

are sunflower seeds keto?

Sunflower Seeds

Serving Size: 1/4 cup (32g)

keto approved

Net Carbs








What Are Sunflower Seeds?

Sunflower seeds are the shelled seed of the sunflower plant. A sunflower plant can produce hundreds of nutritious and delicious seeds, but are sunflower seeds keto? We answer that question below, but first, let’s look at the nutritional value of sunflower seeds.

Sunflowers spend their time soaking up nutrients from the sun and the earth. Many of these nutrients can be beneficial to the human body.

Are Sunflower Seeds Healthy?

Sunflower seeds are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, but are sunflower seeds keto? One serving of shelled sunflower seeds is about 1/4 cup. In that 1/4 cup, sunflower seeds deliver 14g of the healthy fat you need on a keto diet. These fats are especially beneficial to cardiovascular health. A serving of the seeds also contains about 6 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber.

Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to fight heart disease. Phosphorus is another key nutrient in sunflower seeds—a key for bone health and growth. The selenium in sunflower seeds is a good antioxidant to protect against cell damage.

Magnesium, zinc, and copper are also included, which helps with immune and metabolism functions. The b6 in sunflower seeds is good for cognitive development and brain function.

Magnesium is one of the more important nutrients in sunflower seeds since most Americans don’t get enough. Magnesium is vital to bone growth and helps regulate muscle function, contractions, and the nervous system. It’s also important in lowering blood pressure, improving blood sugar regulation, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

For these reasons, sunflower seeds could be considered a “superfood.” Superfoods are foods that are natural and nutrient-dense. They tend to contain a lot of vitamins and minerals per serving and are generally considered very beneficial to your diet and overall body health.

Are Sunflower Seeds Keto?

So, are sunflower seeds keto? Well, shelled sunflower seeds contain 16g of fat, 2g of net carbs, 16g of fat, and 6g of protein in a 1/4 cup serving. That means that sunflower seeds are keto.

They tend to fit perfectly with the macronutrients you need on a low-carb diet. The fat will help keep you from getting hungry and keep your body in ketosis, the fat-burning mode.

The protein is great for building and maintaining muscle mass, and the low number of net carbs, including 4g of fiber, is great.

If you want nutrient-dense food for your keto diet, you should consider incorporating sunflower seeds. I like eating them with shells (spitting them out) as a nice salty snack. I’m also keen on adding the shelled version to my salads to give them a nice crunch.


Considering everything we have learned about sunflower seeds, it’s safe to say that they make a fantastic addition to the ketogenic diet.  

These crunchy munchies are nature’s little powerhouses, packed with nutrients, healthy fats, and a low carb count. Keto sunflower seeds are incredibly versatile, as they can add flavor and texture to many keto-friendly recipes.

Low-carb sunflower seeds can be used to make non-dairy butter, which brings many health benefits to the table. You may use them to add a crunchy element to your salads, mix them with keto-friendly nuts in your baked goods, or simply enjoy them as a humble snack.